Save Money with
Renewable Energy Solutions

Solar technology is more accessible and affordable now than it has ever been. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo4) batteries are also at their lowest price in history. With the 30% federal tax credit for energy efficiency improvements, energy independence is within reach for everyone. Rooftop solar also protects you from the 6% increase in energy rates per year that are expected in the forseeable future.

Our mission is to help transition as many PA-OH-WV residents to solar as we can. We are transparent with our costs of labor and materials, and advise you with your best interest in mind so that you get only what you need to achieve your goal so that your investment pays for itself sooner.

Sample builds we have designed for clients

EG4 Based Large Grid-Tied System plus Battery Backup

System details:

52x410W Bifacial Solar Panels

18KW Hybrid Inverters (x2)

14.3KW Battery (x2)

Annual Generation: 23MWH

EG4 Based Small Off-Grid System with Battery Backup

System Details:

32x395W Bifacial Solar Panels

6KW Off Grid Inverters (x2)

4.8 KW Battery (x4) and Server Rack

Annual Generation: 16MWH

Bluesun Solar Grid Tied System (Directly Imported from Manufacturer in China)

System Details:

62x 370W Solar Panels

10KW Hybrid Inverters (x2)

  Estimated Annual Generation: 25MWH

No two systems are the same. Besides the cost of hardware (panels, inverters and batteries), system costs vary due to factors such as roof mounting vs ground mounting, building/electrical regulations in your area, location of electrical panel within the house, roof orientation, etc. These variables impact how much wiring is required, how those wires will move through the attic, length of conduits needed, whether a sub-panel is required, among other things. All these change the costs associated with labor and non-solar hardware, and have to be meticulously thought out, so that your system operates safely and efficiently.

Our Services

Customized Evaluation of Your Needs and the Install Site

Free (30 min consultation) + $100 on site consultation (optional, gets credited to your final cost if you proceed)

We speak with you and provide an honest assessment of your needs and suggest what your cheapest option would be to meet those needs.

We also share resources that you can look at to make some critical decisions on your goals based on your needs and budget.

Our recommandations always put you first and bake in possibility to expand your system in the future as your needs change. Once you see the benefits, we know you would want to invest more in your family’s energy security.

If we think that solar is not for you, we will also tell you upfront so you don’t waste your time and money. This could be for a variety of reasons, foremost being your roof’s orientation and nearby trees.

Consultation over the phone is sufficient in most cases, but if you have a complicated situation we come out for a nominal fee to cover gas and time. We charge this as a way to only make our way out to serious clients since we operate on thin margins.

System Design and Permits Application

$1000 + Cost of permits

This includes creating a full package of structural engineering reports, panel layout, electrical diagrams, and site plans that are required for the permit and interconnection applications.

Most of these costs are for licensed engineers, electricians and draftsmen that produce the necessary documents.

Cost of permits is whatever your municipality or township charges, and the utility company for the interconnect application (for grid tied systems only).

Installation and Turning the System On

Depending on system complexity and size.

My contractor partner, his helper and a licensed electrician will install all solar panels on your roof or ground mount (which we build). They would run all the necessary wires to the inverter and battery, and rewire any electrical panels in your house or business to integrate solar generation into your system.

We will also coordinate with your utility company to turn off the power to the building in case we need to work in your meter box.

Once your system is ready to be turned on, we will work with your municipality or township’s inspector to give final approval and coordinate with the utility company to switch the meter out for net metering.

We will also get you set up with the state to receive Solar Renewable Energy Credits.

About our company

We can say from personal experience that installing solar panels on your house or business will save you money. My house is fully powered by solar energy, and I just added battery backup too!

But the journey to get here was painstaking. The market of solar installers is overrun with dubious fly-by-night companies that charge an arm and a leg, making this wonderful tech out of reach for most.

Tired and frustrated I decided to do my own solar installation with my trusted contractor, and together we realized that we should do this for others in the area too. So, we started the Pittsburgh Solar company.

Our goal is to provide access to solar at fair prices that are transparent, and design according to only what you need for your house or your business. We charge labor and materials (at cost) only. By staying lean and focused on the Southwestern PA, Eastern Ohio and Northeastern West Virginia, our goal is to minimize overheads and pass on the savings to you.